Friday, February 25, 2005

It's happening...

...and so far it looks like things are happening in an orderly manner. Midland Daily News reported on February 23, Dioxin results mailed. Since then some of us have been contacted by news media asking, 'Did you receive your results yet?' Dr. Garabrandt and his team deserve public praise for preventing a flurry of hysteria like almost happened with the results after the Michigan Department of Publuc Health (MDPH) test results were given to participants last October. See my October 27, 2004 blog. Good job, Doctor! You're still looking like a hero in my book!

Dow to notify property owners of cleanup plans, meetings from yesterday's Midland Daily News. Couldn't resist leaving a little comment, and I'm still looking for our invitation to attend one of those meetings. It's a little known fact that our little piece of property lies in the lowest spot along the river. (Ed, where did you read that again? Send me an email.)

Look for it soon: ...a bit of interesting trivia about Lone Tree Council, MDEQ and their dioxin CAP meetings. Now I must attend a physical therapy session so I can start 'kicking butt' again!

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