Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Update... sort of.

Been doing loads of reading... just not taking time for the commentary, but what I heard on the news this morning... just gotta share! I haven't read it anywhere yet but the local NBC TV news people reported that Ms. Granholm, our current governor, attended a public function featuring... tah dah!!!... Michael Moore! Good heavens! Even more fodder for getting her out of office!

Here's my collection of current reading... comments graciously accepted:
Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News - EPA's Dioxin Review Is Criticized: "EPA's Dioxin Review Is Criticized
National Research Council report says agency may have overstated cancer risks
Bette Hileman"

Dioxin risk appears to depend on methodology
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY
Updated 7/11/2006 9:51 PM ET

...this will not change:

Federal dioxin review flows downriver to Saginaw, Bay City


Dioxin Less Dangerous?By Erik StokstadScienceNOW Daily News11 July 2006
'Low doses of dioxin may not be as carcinogenic as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states in its draft risk assessment, according to a panel of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).'

Panel Says Dioxin May Pose Less of a Risk By BLOOMBERG NEWSPublished: July 12, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/12/health/12brfs-005.html


Dioxin analysis results/exposure estimates -- Updated June 2006

Science academy joining dioxin debate
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dioxin bill passes in House; effect uncertain
Kathie Marchlewski, Midland Daily News

Major excavation of contaminated dirt clearing way for new Midland stadium
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Will a Dioxin Panel Bring Down EPA's "House of Carcinogens"?
By Gilbert Ross, M.D.

Call Off the Dioxin Dogs
By Michael Fumento

Midland Daily News - Dow re-energizes clean water efforts

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