Friday, November 05, 2004

Received a note from MDEQ...

Cheryl Howe sent this brief press release to everybody on her dioxin CAP mailing list in case we hadn't seen it elsewhere. Since I've been busy the past few days... I hadn't yet read it. Wednesday morning news where I was consisted of, 'I need a little blood sample; here are your meds; more pain pills? ... again?...MORE pain pills?'..then daughter number 4 phoned at 6:00 a.m. " Did you see the news? Your man won!'...and I thought, YES!!! Sometimes the good guys still win!

Had a little 'knee work' done. If I was a guy I'd probably call it an 'old sports injury' but all I will say is... total knee replacement surgery. Great doctors... great nursing care! Alas, no internet availability. The good news is I was too busy to care. Thanks to a great Mid-Michigan Regional Hospital team everything is looking great! Now I'm ready to catch up on the rest of my email... lots of reading to do! It's tough using a laptop when you cannot really put it on your lap... and hard to use the desktop computer because I can't sit for hours with my leg in a downward position.

About the dioxin situation... I sure was glad to read Cheryl's update!!! It came under Lt. Governor Cherry's letterhead. With him driving I'm confident we will get there!

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