Sunday, January 16, 2005

A quote from the misguided...

A friend pointed me to the following bit of mixed misinformation and misguided commentary from Michelle Rhetoric and her Freeland sidekicks Smokey Kathy & Gary Henry's website:
01/14/05 An open letter to State Representative John Moolenaar:

Tittabawassee River Watch has recently learned that legislation is being drafted to lift the facility designation off of the Tittabawassee River flood plain, and to change language in real estate disclosure laws on property contamination at the time of sale.

Although these are real concerns for the city of Midland, and realtors trying to sell houses along the Tittabawassee River, the implications state wide if such a bill passed could be devastating for the entire state of Michigan. To encourage people to lie about toxic chemicals to unsuspecting buyers is not in the publics best interest.

We ask that you consider the following letter to a Tittabawassee River resident from Andrew Hogarth, Chief of Remediation and Redevelopment Division, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality before attempting to introduce legislation of this nature.
The referenced letter is one written to me filled with the same meaningless unscientific rhetoric continually used by all of the environmental extremists, whether in the MDEQ bureaucracy or in the militant fear-mongering civilian ranks of Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Lonetree and others similar groups.

I tell you... that Hogarth is one scarey dude, as I first related to you in the report of my first experience at a MDEQ CAP meeting last year.

We, the actual residents along the Tittabawassee River floodplain, will really be pleased to have the designation 'facility' removed from our property. Unlike the few disgruntled people that want free lifetime medical care and big money for their houses, we want to remain in our homes without interference from the nearby econutz! We hope Mr. Moolenaar has the designation removed... and sooner is better. If this is not done we may have to resort to obtaining a residential tax hiatus until the whole matter is resolved.

Oh! By the way Ms. Rhetoric... we've had one flood along the Tittabawassee River floodplain this year. Since the local weather guys didn't make much mention of it, just wanted you to keep the number straight this year! You should have heard the ice popping and cracking as it broke off the trees, falling into the water as it recedes back to the river bed. That would be our asparagus bed along the tree line. Mmmmm! I hope we have a good crop this year.

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