Thursday, June 30, 2005

eminent domain and House Bill 4617...

How appropriate for us that our House of Representatives approved House Bill 4617 yesterday so soon after the U.S. Supreme Court decided it is okay for the rich to take property from the poor. Yes! Thank God John Moolenaar and his cohorts in the Michigan House are still close to the ordinary people. Obviously the majority of the Supremes sit so far above their public that they are out of touch with reality. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor tells the story best in her dissent: "The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms ... government now has license to transfer property from those with fewer resources to those with more." If this isn't 'stealing from the poor for benefit of the rich,' I don't know what is.

Let's encourage our Michigan Senators and Governor Granholm to protect the residential rights of ordinary homeowners by supporting our 'Homeowners Rights Bill' that has already been overwhelmingly approved by the House.

Along with total approval of House Bill 4617, it's time to encourage Governor Granholm to sign the "Hands Off My Home" Pledge being circulated by The Castle Coalition.

Yes folks, there are lots of people in our country ready to protect our homeowners' rights! Let's hope our Senate & our Governor are among them.

Just an 'aside' - Look aside to your right on the monitor. I call my newest version of the 'granni-bashing' Lone Tree gang... Freedom of Speech. Oh yes! One of their BIGGEST gripes? They don't want to hear how healthy I am! So I won't say that anymore. Instead: Along with my many retiree neighbors who are ALSO happy and healthy in the Tittabawassee River floodplain, I remain, Shirley (granni39) Salas!

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