Sunday, July 03, 2005

Happy Independence Day... and Weekend

God Bless America... Natalie created this angel with PSP7
  • where the extremist minority wants to erase Christianity from our schools and public places but encourage inclusion of other religions…
  • where an extremist minority can burn the American flag but complain that military prisoners from a mass-murdering cult should be coddled...
  • where a biased police force can falsely arrest citizens and get away with an equally false apology…
  • where the extremist minority encourages removal of homeowner rights…
  • and a Supreme Court with a liberal bias makes it legal for any corporation or person to take a residence away from a citizen because they can generate more taxes into the state coffers…
  • we still have freedom of speech…
Midland Daily News gave us equal time today… Many refusing dioxin cleanup

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