Saturday, October 16, 2004

Imerman use down 43 percent...

Imerman use down 43 percent, by ERIN ALBERTY, THE SAGINAW NEWS, Friday, October 15, 2004. Well duh!!! What would you do if you went to a park and everywhere you walked you saw these signs? If I didn't know better they'd scare the heck out of me! Here's a brief excerpt from the October 15 article:
'Officials from the state Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Community Health in April advised school districts to avoid Imerman Park and other spots on the river, previously used for sporting events and field trips, to avoid exposing students to the contaminant.'
Do you realize this is tantamount to terrorism. People are being scared away... not only from our beautiful parks, but from some of the small family businesses, like our local apple farms, that kids have looked forward to visiting ever since I can remember! They're being scared away from places that aren't even situated on the Tittabawassee River floodplain... they just happen to be near it!

The MDEQ forces Dow to put up those ugly warning signs to scare people away. Then they make it sound like it was Dow's idea! You might as well put up the ugly skull & crossbones signs created by these fear-mongers! Read DEQ approves Dow's dioxin info campaign in the Midland Daily News, October 14, 2004. The environuts have been pushing this stuff at the MDEQ.

...and now we read in Sunday's Midland Daily News... Results back from pilot study of dioxin exposure. My God Kathy!!! I'm ashamed for you! I thought you were growing into a responsible journalist and here we read a combination of misinformation and untruths! The Michigan Department of Community Health has not yet published this information so you've taken 5 out of the 25 people who volunteered to be tested... definitely not a scientific sampling... and published that information as a fair example of 'truth.' It's bad enough that we're getting scare propoganda thrown at us in the TV news from the Kerry campaign... now we're getting scare propoganda thrown at us from our little hometown newspapers!

By the way, one of the five went around putting stuff about her test in people's mailboxes. Hey lady! Don't you know tampering with mailboxes is a federal crime?

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