Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's not about dioxin...'s about progress and dedication, and perhaps an innate faith in our fellow mankind. This is the Shaheen family. Doc Shaheen, the elder, probably doesn't even know who I am. I only met him earlier this year but it seems just about everybody I know knows him... or knew of him - like forever! Not one person thinks of him as a bad man or a greedy opportunist. They all speak of him only with admiration!

The Saginaw News yesterday had an editorial about this dedicated family, father and son: Investing in city in 'healing era'. I never had any doubt about Doc Shaheen's integrity. My friend, Howard Vasold, has known him for a long time and he confirmed my belief. It would appear the only people who do not believe his offer to purchase properties on the Tittabawassee River was purely to show his faith in the future of Saginaw County are... the people who are trying to say their property along the Tittabawassee River is worthless!

Yup it's me - healthy as an ox, honest as ol' Abe, and a member of the majority along the Tittabawassee River floodplain who want you to know the Lonetree Council and their litigious little friends do not represent us!


Anonymous said...

I live along the Tittabawassee River, though my property doesn't run back far enough to reach the rivers edge. We get about 4 to 6" of water in back yard every spring, and last year had about 18". I am a gardener, and have not had gardening problems, and the deer love my hosta. Other animals are also a bit of a problem. So, the dioxin doesn't seem to have affected the wild live in my area. Other residences have though with their skull and cross bone signs they post in their yards. I will be putting our home up for sale with in the next 6 mths because of relocation to northern Michigan. If my property values are affected, or if I can't sell my home, it will be because of the bad media publicity and dumb yard signs, not the dioxin. Let's start a class action against the Lone Tree Council for loss of property values.

Anonymous said...

I have for years talked to those individuals including Lone Tree Council out of Bay City about the soils taken right beside Dow Chemical at the Gordonville/Saginaw Rd location.

This is all floodplain and floodway and CONTAMINATED SOILS just down river from Dow and Dow Corning.

These soils are all over the yards and lawns of Midland residents far removed from the Tittabawassee River.

Thousands of tons of topsoil and sand was taken from many acres of land all along the river front and spread across the front yards of the million dollar homes in and around Mildand - of course it was spread over many homes and yards of NON million dollar homes also.

The City of Midland is well aware of this also as should be many of the residents.

Why is this knowledge not well known?

I have testified to this despite the fact our City Council would like nothing more than to pretend no one has spoken.

DEQ/DNR they too are well aware but again are silent on the matter.

Permits?? Check it out. Who owned the land and how many companies trucked excavated soils? Where did they truck them to??

Are we looking at health problems and only looking at those close to the river or on the river front proper? Are statistics being gathered and compared to the area or state/national levels?

Ask the Lone Tree Council for answers - Ask the City Council and the Midland County Commissioners - Ask Dow Chemical - Ask the excavators and land owners.

Will you be a person who askes questions or the one that stays in the dark. Tell Midland you want full disclosure.