Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mid-Week Updates along the Tittabawassee River floodplain...

I promised photos of the Festival Park progress... here is one of my favorites. I will upload more to the Yahoo photo album soon, I promise! By the way, how do you suppose one might fish from this beautiful edifice when the water is so low? Perhaps it's time to move forward to the problem of proper dam maintenance above the Tittabawassee River!

Photo from the Freeland Road bridge... click it for a better view!Yesterday I read the following letter to the editor, Saginaw News. The reader is right on the money. Thank you, sir, for defending the viewpoints of Neill Varner, one of my personal favorite heroes in this mostly political battle between an overly powerful Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and local residents in the Saginaw Valley!

Speaking of heroes, today the Saginaw News has an article with the headline: DEQ director demands apology; Goschka refuses. Good job Senator Goschka!!! Stick to your guns. WE believe YOU!!!

After all, the director of DEQ, Steve Chester, had the gall to look me square in the eye and tell me and my fellow residential stakeholders that he could not change the term 'facility' as it applies to our property. He told us the only way we could get it changed was through legislation and he said this at a meeting with Lt. Governor Cherry. Once we got our legislation going, thanks to Congressman John Moolenaar and his cohorts in the House of Representatives, Chester arbitrarily 'changed' the rule!!! Of course he called it an 'interpretation,' but it was a change nonetheless.

Now... who would you believe, a man elected by the people because of his down-to-earth honesty... or an appointed bureaucrat who can look you in the eye and tell you one thing while he does another and seems determined to trod upon the property rights of residents throughout the State of Michigan?

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