Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dow Moves Forward With Remediation...

Dow to post fish and soil advisories along Saginaw and Tittabawassee rivers according to an AP article this morning in the Detroit News. What does that mean? Signs along the rivers will warn you:
  • Don't eat 'bottom feeders.' This is nothing new to many of us. When I was a child, word was that bottom feeding fish eat whatever settles - this at a time when you could literally see feces floating down the *Saginaw River.
  • Trim fatty tissue from the fish you eat. I do this with 'store-bought' fish! Don't like the taste of animal fats of any kind.
  • Limit the number of fish you eat per week from this source.
  • Don't roll around in the dirt.
  • If you insist on eating dirt, wash it first.

*Please note correction: the Saginaw River sported floating feces. (Shirley, 08/22/2005)

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